Chamber Music
Chamber music is a form of music that is composed for a small group of people. It includes any music that is performed by a small number of performers, with one performer to a part.
I like to think of Chamber music as the music of friends. For centuries, chamber music was played primarily by amateur musicians in their homes, and even today, when most chamber music performance has migrated from the home to the concert hall, many musicians, amateur and professional, still play chamber music for their own pleasure.

ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Sign Up
Solo and Ensemble Info/Itinerary/Performance schedule 2017
State Solo and Ensemble Itinerary/Info
ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Permission Slip
In Class/Video Chamber Music Sign Up
The Chamber Music Recital is required by all students. There are 3 ways to fulfill the requirement. 1. Participate in Solo and Ensemble Contest 2. Perform in class 3. Perform on video. You may perform in a small group (chamber group) and/or solo.
Q What is Solo and Ensemble Contest?
A Solo and Ensemble is a festival where you travel to another school and perform a solo or as part of a small ensemble (Chamber Ensemble). Each performance is critiqued by a qualified specialist of your instrument and you are given written comments on your performance. For example, if you play a flute solo the judge will be a professional flute player. You will receive a gold, silver, or bronze medal depending on how good the performance was.
Q What do I get for performing in Class?
A You get to show off your skills during the normal class and have fun making music with friends.
Q What do I get for performing on video?
A You will fulfill the requirement, learn how to make a video with your computer, and have fun making music with friends!
Q For Solo and Ensemble Contest what Kind of Ensembles can we participate in?
A For Solo and Ensemble contest you have to have at least 3 members or more involved in your ensembles. The guideline is any ensemble must stay in the same family of instruments. So, there are only woodwind ensembles, percussion ensembles, and brass ensembles. but you can look at the "Solo and Ensemble Recognized Events" at the bottom of this page for the exact instrumentation.
For in-class performances and videos you may perform duets.
Q Why doesn't ISSMA allow duets (2 person ensemble)?
A ISSMA used to allow duets but due to the popularity of the festival there is no longer room to accommodate duets. However, duets are a great way to play music with your best of friends and can be used to fulfill the Chamber Music Recital requirement.